Customized Facial

The Customized Facial procedure is individually tailored skincare. Factors such as skin sensitivity, acne tendency, dryness or oiliness, age are taken into account, adapting the procedure to ensure the most effective and safe outcome. The procedure may include various stages such as skin cleansing, peeling, massage, application of masks, and creams. The "Customized Facial" procedure can help improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, moisturize the skin, and enhance its overall health and radiance.

                                                                                                                              90min. 150$

Deep Cleansing Facial

Facial cleansing includes double cleansing, light peeling, steam or lotion, a combination of Ultrasonic and mechanical methods for extracting comedones, toning, mask and cream.

                                                                                                                                90min. 120$

Ultrasonic cleansing

Facial cleansing includes double cleansing, light peeling, extraction of comedones using an Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber, toning, mask and cream.

                                                                                                                               70min. 100$


Microdermabrasion includes double cleansing, light peeling, the Diamond Skin Polishing procedure, toning, LED therapy, a soothing mask, cream.

                                                                                                                             70min.  120 $

Men's Facials


Men's facial is focused on skincare. It includes skin cleansing, moisturizing, peeling, facial massage, acne treatment of acne and other skin issues

                                                                                                                          80-60min.      130$

Anti-Acne Facial

Anti-Acne Procedureis designed for treating moderate to severe acne. It includes double cleansing, facial extraction, a 3-step peel ( which is left on for 8 hours and to be washed off at home with a specialized gel).

                                                                                                                         90 min.        150$

Anti-Age Facial

Anti-Age procedure makes skin is compatible with sensitive skin and designer for healthy-looking. For optimal results, it is recommended as a course of 5-6 procedures. It includes double cleansing, anti-aging peeling, massage, rejuvenating mask, alginate mask with cold roller massage, and protective cream.

                                                                                                                              80min.    120$

 Scin Reconsruction Procedure 

LINE REPAIR procedure is a true relaxation that eliminates symptoms of vitality and beauty loss. It includes double cleansing, toning, facial massage, rejuvenating mask, alginate mask with cold roller massage, and protective cream.

                                                                                                                                80min. 120$

Anti-Rosacea Procedure

Anti-Rosacea procedure is compatible with sensitive skin and designer for strengthening blood vessels, and evening out skin tone. The procedure includes double cleansing, toning, light peeling with vitamin K, LED therapy, rosacea-specific mask, alginate mask, serum and cream.

                                                                                                                                  70 min. 110$

CO2 Lift Carboxy Therapy

The benefits of COllift carboxy therapy include stimulating blood circulation, improving skin tone, reducing wrinkles, maintaining hydration, and overall skin rejuvenation. It involves

                                                                                                                                   60min. 100$

 Salicylic peeling

Salicylic peel - used to improve skin texture and reduce acne problems. It includes double skin cleansing, toning, salicylic peel (2-7 layers depending on the skin), soothing mask and cream.


Almond Peel Esther C

Almond Peel Esther C - suitable for sensitive skin, removes redness, gives the skin radiance. The procedure includes double cleansing, light peeling with massage, Esther C peeling, neutralization, vitamin C mask and cream.

                                                                                                                              60min. 90$

Azelac Peeling

AZELAC peels provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and vessel-strengthening effects. The procedure includes double cleansing of the skin, LED therapy, toning, and a 3-stage Azelaic peel.

                                                                                                                              50min. 100$

Jessner Peeling

Jessner Peel is used to improve skin texture and combat wrinkles, acne, and pigmentation. The procedure includes double skin cleansing, toning, salicylic peel (2-6 layers depending on the skin) and soothing mask.

                                                                                                                              60min. 100$

Yellow Peeling(Retinol Peeling)

Yellow peeling is an effective rejuvenating procedure that stimulates collagen production and maintains the skin's moisture balance. During the yellow peeling, the skin is exposed to a preparation with a high concentration of retinol. The peeling includes double cleansing, application, a two-stage peeling process that continues to work on the skin for another 8 hours.

                                                                                                                                  40 min. 150$


PRX T33 improves skin texture, reduces wrinkles, enhances elasticity, and refreshes facial tone.

The procedure is considered non-invasive and requires no recovery time. It includes double cleansing, light peeling, LED therapy, PRX T33 peel, and 

                                                                                                                                   60min. 140$


This highly effective procedure includes improving skin texture, reducing wrinkles, stimulating collagen, and evening out skin tone. Additionally, it provides deep cleansing, moisturizing, and addresses acne issues. The procedure includes cleansing, a light peel with facial massage, Biorepeel peel, a soothing mask and cream.

                                                                                                                               60min. 130$


Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that involves the careful removal of the top layer of skin and hair using a specialized tool called a dermaplane. This helps achieve smoother and more radiant skin, improving texture and overall appearance of the face. It includes Dermablading, LED therapy, a soothing mask, and cream.

                                                                                                                              60min. 100$

MICRONEEDLING (Frachional Mesotherapy)

The procedure of microneedling involves the use of a dermapen and various attachments with needles. Dermapen facilitates more effective penetration of cosmetic products.

The procedure includes double cleansing, applying serum with Dermapen, LED therapy, and cream.

                                                                                                                              60min. 100$

                                                                                 With anesthesia                80min. 150$



Needleless mesotherapy with electroporation is a procedure during which active substances are introduced into the skin without the use of needles. Electroporation creates temporary microchannels, enhancing penetration by 70%. The procedure includes double cleansing, application of serum depending on the issue, a mask, and the application of a protective cream.

                                                                                                                                 50min. 100$

Introduction of peeling Biorepeel with Dermapen

The dermapen creates tiny microneedles that penetrate the upper layers of the skin, providing deeper and more even penetration of the peeling solution. The procedure includes double cleansing, Biorepeel peeling using Dermapen, and protective 


Introduction of peeling PRX witch Dermapen

The dermapen creates tiny microneedles that penetrate the upper layers of the skin, providing deeper and more even penetration of the peeling solution.The procedure includes double cleansing, PRX T33 peeling using Dermapen and protective cream.


Facial massage



A highly effective procedure for superb results. Using the dermapen with PRX T33 peeling and serum is effective for combating scars or aging skin. It includes double cleansing, PRX T33 peeling and, followed by sealing everything with 

                                                                                                                                80min. 200$


Viennese massage

Viennese facial massage is designed to improve blood circulation, stimulate muscles, and maintain skin health. Using this technique helps relax muscles, reduce tension, stimulate lymphatic drainage, and enhance the tone and texture of facial skin. It includes cleansing, massage with cream or oil, additional cleansing, and concludes with the application of SPF cream.


Massage + Mask

Complex massage contributes to improved blood circulation and the delivery of nutrients to skin cells. It includes cleansing, lymphatic drainage massage, face contour correction, wrinkle treatment, soothing relax massage, a mask according to your skin type, and concludes with an SPF cream.

                                                                                                                                60min. 90$

Hardware procedures



Microcurrents involve the use of weak electrical impulses to stimulate facial or body muscles. This technique can contribute to improving skin tone, muscle firmness, and stimulating cell renewal processes. It strengthens blood vessels and serves as a preventive measure against acne. The procedure includes double cleansing, microcurrents, serum, a mask according to your skin type, and SPF cream.

                                                                                                                          60min. 110$   

                                                                                                    Course of 6 procedures 600$


Radiofrequency lifting is a procedure that utilizes radiofrequency waves to stimulate collagen and apply thermal effects to the skin. This contributes to improving skin elasticity, lifting tissues, and reducing wrinkles and fine lines.

It includes double cleansing, radiofrequency lifting, serum, a mask according to your skin type, and SPF cream.

                                                                                                                                   60min. 120$

                                                                                                              Course of 8 procedures 800$


This procedure is aimed at improving the condition of the hair, stimulating hair growth, reducing hair loss, and strengthening the roots. The procedure involves the introduction of serum using a dermapen.

                                                                                                                            60min.   150$

                                                                                                          Course of 6 procedures 720$


This procedure is aimed at improving the condition of the hair, stimulating hair growth,

reducing hair loss, and strengthening the roots. The procedure involves the introduction of serum using electroporation,

without needles, completely painlessly.

                                                                                                                                  60min. 120$

                                                                                                             Course of 6 procedures 600$



Body microdermabrasion is a procedure that utilizes small crystals or diamond tips to remove the upper layers of skin on the body. This process helps improve skin texture, stimulate cell renewal, reduce the appearance of pigmentation and scars, and promotes overall skin rejuvenation. It includes full body cleansing, scrubbing, diamond abrasion, and cream application.

                                                                                      Target areas:

                                                                                       Décolleté       60min 90$

                                                                                       Shoulders     60 min 100$

                                                                                       Back             80min 160$

                                                                                       Buttocks       80 min 150$

                                                                                       Legs             90min 180$ 


The anti-cellulite program is aimed at fighting cellulite and improving skin condition. It includes cleansing, scrubbing, lymphatic drainage massage, mud therapy, and the application of moisturizing anti-cellulite cream.

                                                                                                       Target areas:

                                                                                                      Abdomen 60 min. 120$

                                                                                                      Buttocks 60 min. 130$

                                                                                                      Legs. 80 min.     160$